Downdraft Tables Reduce Hazardous Workplace Contaminants

Fumes resulting from heavy industrial processes such as metal finishing, grinding, and welding make for an unhealthy and unsafe work environment.

Depending on the metal in process, airborne pollutants can cause ailments ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to lung cancer. To avoid these scenarios and maintain good indoor air quality, it is imperative to have fume extraction on the premises where these processes are taking place.

Downdraft tables pull fumes and dust away from a worker’s face and down through tabletop slots, with minimal space and engineering required. They are ideal as welding fume extractors, and work terrifically to remove airborne hazards created by many applications.

Due to infrastructural and spacing circumstances, it is not always possible for all workstations to have an extraction arm or hood allowing for source capture. In these cases, a downdraft table can be an ideal alternative.

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Downdraft Tables Purposes Vary. Know Your Objective

While downdraft tables are generally plug-and-play, they’re not all designed for the same circumstances.

Installing a table that’s ideal as a welding fume extractor may not be the correct decision when you need it for grinding or deburring.

Downdraft tables come in a variety of sizes and styles to fit a range of industrial applications, with multiple cartridge options and other customizable options.

A Spotlight on Diversitech Downdraft Tables

Diversitech Mini DD Table

A small, portable, and economical option for light-to-medium duty at up to 1,200 CFM. This table comes equipped with spark arresting baffles and can be customized to allow for welding, grinding and deburring.

Diversitech 2×4 DD Table

This portable and economical table is ideal for welding, grinding, deburring, sanding, soldering and more. With up to 2,600 CFM, you’ll appreciate the higher capture face velocity.

Diversitech 3×4 DD Table

With CFM up to 4,300 and dual 10” exhaust silencers, this table can handle a wide range of work with flexibility and convenience. Its automatic reverse-pulse filter cleaning system reduces maintenance needs, as well.

Diversitech 4×4 DD Table

Built to withstand the most demanding applications, this table features a 48” x 48” worksurface, a high capture face velocity of 425 FPM, automatic self-cleaning, exhaust silencers, and more.

Diversitech 4×8 DD Table

This 4’ x 8’ table provides a reliable and low-maintenance solution for facilities that require space for larger projects. It operates at up to 6,300 CFM.

Diversitech 5×10 DD Table

The largest downdraft table available, the 5’ x 10’ dual-sided worksurface allows for ample space, plenty of flexibility, and CFM up to 8,600.

Which downdraft table is correct for my workspace?

Let Summit’s knowledgeable staff guide you through the pertinent questions and options so you can be confident the downdraft table you’re installing serves the specific needs of your facility. We can make sure your facility is within OSHA guidelines and keep your employees safe.

Is your facility or plant OSHA and NFPA compliant?

Industrial Strength Air Filtration Systems Engineered to Each Factories Unique Needs. Guaranteed.